
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Soil Test

We received our soil test results today – which came back with flying colours! We had budgeted for a H class soil and are absolutely stoked that it came back as M class. Which means the slab laying fees are under what we had budgeted and the money can be spent on upgrades in the house.

One issue however! We have a tree in question that could cause a problem later for our slab. The tree is not on our property so we can’t have it removed – it’s situated on the vacant land adjacent to our block.  Looks like I’ve hit our first ‘bump’ in the road and will need to get in touch with the Developer to see if they will remove the tree or install a root barrier system. If not, we are up for huge costs to add piering to our slab and the installation of a root barrier system by an arborist. 

The things you find out about along the way?!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Settlement Day

Now proud land owners hoorah!

I’m going to keep it light on the boring legal side of things! Originally our block was zoned as a duplex as it’s so large (842m2) so we made the contract subject to the block being zoned back to a single dwelling lot – this way we didn’t have to pay two sets of body corporate fees (the Estate is part of a community management scheme) I mean, who wants to do that if you are only planning on building a single dwelling? Not me ha!

Minus a few hiccups with our mortgage broker everything worked-out in our favour and we happily settled (thanks to our amazing Conveyancer) today 13 September 2012.