The garden alongside the driveway has finally been planted after much procrastination. While visiting my parents and attending an engagement party on the Gold Coast over the holidays we popped into a garden nursery before coming home - a little look turned into 4 Cascade Lilly Pillys (to hedge), 2 Little Gem Magnolias and a Grass tree! This haul was on top of the 4 Cordylines (negra and rubra) and 2 Foxtail Palms that we had purchased from a nursery on the Sunshine Coast a few days prior, so we had no choice but to get planting with the huge amount of plants that we had purchased. All the new plants were planted alongside our Pandanus trees and Cycads.
I'm not usually a fan of Lilly Pilly trees - the only kind that I like are the cascade and weeping variety and with the weeping variety growing quite tall and not appropriate for the space, the cascade was the better choice.
The Magnolias have been flowering almost every 3 days and the flowers are huge and smell amazing - I think I may have to purchase more of these when we create another garden. With the Magnolias and Gardenias flowering it is smelling amazing this Summer!
Now we just have to tidy it up and plant a few more smaller plants along the edge of the driveway (in front of the larger plants) to create depth to the garden and let it grow into itself. A watering system may need to be on the cards soon too!!